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Recap | Topic: North Texas Webinar on Charitable Giving

If you’re a non-profit, giving money away may seem relatively easy, but from a corporate entity’s perspective, it actually is quite complicated. But in today’s Topic: North Texas webinar, David Russell, President of Philanthropology demystifies the process in his presentation, “Charitable Giving: How hard can it be?” As David points out at the beginning of presentation, there is not much discussion about the benefits of charitable giving in the business community. That’s a dynamic he hopes to change through this presentation by explaining the corporate benefits both in terms of customer loyalty and interaction as well as employee loyalty. In the webinar, David shares staggering facts on the impact of charitable giving to consumers. For example, in a 2013 study, 82 percent of U.S. consumers consider a brand’s corporate social responsibility, and within that, this is important to moms and Millennials. David shares information on how to determine if a non-profit’s background is impeccable, explains the difference between donor-advised funds, private foundations and direct giving, and shares insight on what businesses should keep in mind when considering a corporate charitable giving strategy. You can view David’s slides on our SlideShare account and the full webinar recording on the North Texas Commission’s YouTube channel. Next month, Topic: North Texas explores driverless cars with Drew Campbell. You can register for that webinar here.


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