We are the only organization in North Texas that brings together businesses, cities, higher-education institutions, and K-12 Independent School Districts. Our board of directors and executive committee are among the region's top leaders, including CEOs, mayors, city managers, university leaders, and superintendents.

"The North Texas Commission further connected me with influential leaders who drive economic competitiveness for North Texas. No other organization brings together public and private sector leaders across the region to advocate for and sustain our growing economy.”
Mike Peterson
Chair, North Texas Commission
Want to learn more about membership?
Fill out the form below or reach out to Henry Bryan.
When you become a stakeholder in our organization, you become part of the regional conversation. As a leader in the DFW region, you will bring your insight and experience to the table to better the North Texas region.
•Regional legislative advocacy and policy support through NTC lobbyists (state and federal)
•First to be aware of critical issues and opportunities through NTC communications
•Eligible for executive to be nominated for 3-year rotating Board of Directors seat
•NTC member rates on event tickets and sponsorships
•NTC member rates for advertising in the NTX Magazine
•Membership listing in NTX Magazine – distribution of 20,000+
•Listing in NTC website member directory
•Recognition as a NTC member in collateral materials
•Regional resources including complimentary copies of the North Texas Profile
•Includes all previous level benefits plus:
•Eligible for executive to be invited to speak at Leadership North Texas and NTC Regional events
•Participation in Policy Task Forces with opportunity to provide critical input on industry issues, plus the ability to appoint multiple company representatives to task forces and/or committees
•Includes all previous level benefits plus:
•Company executive nominated for a seat on the NTC Board of Directors comprised of the region’s top industry leaders, local elected officials, city managers, and education leaders
•Participation through exclusive collaboration with other NTC Board members regarding regional challenges
•Company logo on NTC website member directory
•Ability to host NTC Board Meeting, convening influential stakeholders from across the region
•Access to NTC media channels to promote initiatives and events
•Access to complementary ticket to NTC sponsored events of regional partners
•Eligible to Chair Policy Task Forces and Industry Councils
•Includes all previous level benefits plus:
•Exclusive access to VIP programming
•$5,000 credit to be used for NTC event sponsorships
•Use of NTC conference space
•State & Federal Policy Briefings with NTC Advocacy Team
•Includes all previous level benefits plus:
•Unique executive leadership opportunities (public policy and representation with key influencers)
•Personalized advocacy update/executive briefing and legislative policy review
•Includes all previous level benefits plus:
•Unique policy leadership opportunities and direct advocacy on specific issues
•Sponsorship of NTX to DC Advocacy Fly-In, including registration for two (2)
•Personalized Austin Advocacy Day for company executive, including arranged Capitol meetings and legislator dinner/reception during the legislative session
•Includes all previous level benefits plus:
•Host up to three private events at the NTC offices with legislators and/regional thought leaders
•Priority invitations to exclusive regional events
•Eligible for Executive Committee appointment
•Legislative briefings for PAC
•Industry-specific advocacy support
•Includes all previous level benefits plus:
•Up to three Austin/DC Advocacy trips for two with all expenses covered
•Priority access to ALL NTC events
•Tuition registration to both LNT and ELNT (upon acceptance)
•Premiere AML sponsorship
•Advocacy training for employees/ERG's

“We are grateful to the NTC for engaging our corporate, business, and municipal partners on the importance of public education. Your involvement carries much weight and is appreciated.”
Dr. Susan Bohn, Superintendent, Aledo ISD
“I was absolutely thrilled to have been a part of the Inclusion Ignites Innovation Summit! I enjoyed sharing the stage with exceptional thought leaders to discuss how inclusion is a driving force for innovation. A huge shoutout to the NTC and all the amazing sponsors for creating a space for such a vibrant and forward-thinking dialogue.”
Joe Seabrooks, President, Dallas College, Cedar Valley Campus

“The North Texas Commission has done an outstanding job of addressing critical issues across the region. The membership return on investment has served the entire region extremely well as a rising tide floats all boats.”
Robert Pence P.E. BCEE, Freese & Nichols, CEO
"LNT is silo-busting at its finest!"
Danielle McClelland, Workforce Solutions North Central Texas