The North Texas Commission opened applications for the fourth class of Leadership North Texas University (LNT U), a regional leadership program targeted at millennials in the North Texas workforce. Applications will remain open until October 12, 2018.
Leadership North Texas University gives all participants the knowledge and resources they need to plan for the exponential growth of North Texas. Throughout the program, these young professionals will sit down with regional executives and elected officials to discuss the future of our region and the issues we are currently facing. Don’t miss the opportunity to become an ambassador for your peers and an informed leader in the workplace.
Leadership North Texas University (LNT U) is a four-month leadership program for young professionals aimed at recruiting, educating and developing the future leaders of the Dallas-Fort Worth region. Because of the regional nature of North Texas, it is imperative to have local leaders who are committed to civic engagement and collaboration, and are educated on our region’s complexities.
Participants will learn best practices in regional stewardship and challenges relevant to the region as well as participate in the development of appropriate strategies for Millennial involvement in the North Texas community.
LNT U is for eligible Millennials in the workforce under the age of 35 who demonstrate a passion for North Texas.
LNT U is a four-month program launching with an overnight retreat January 17, 2019, program days February 22 and March 22, and April 19, 2019. Applications are open and accepted through October 12, 2018.
The LNT U opening retreat and program days will be held across North Texas. Locations and program details will be shared with attendees.
LNT U creates a hub of Millennial ambassadors who share their new knowledge with peers and give a voice to their generation when discussing North Texas issues.
The program days are focused on key areas impacting the future and vitality of North Texas: leadership, education and infrastructure. Each day provides a mix of professional development with a deep dive into regional topics such as demographics, infrastructure and sustainability.
All participants will walk away with invaluable information on our region’s future along with a new network of young leaders. They will build a strong bond and work as a team to engage their generation in today’s regional issues.
The cost for each student to go through the program is $1,500. The tuition covers all costs associated with the student’s participation. A limited number of scholarships will be available to students that request financial aid.
After all applications have been submitted (click here to apply), a selection committee will choose the group of participants they believe best fit the program. The selection committee will also decide which students are awarded scholarships based on financial assistance requests.
For more information regarding LNT U or any other NTC programs, please contact Kimberly Walton at