This year brings the election of our nation’s 45th President. It also happens to be the 45th anniversary of the North Texas Commission. And, not one to believe in coincidences, we’ve decided to focus on leadership this year for our TO THE POINT series presented by Fidelity Investments. We aim to bring you insights into leadership under pressure, collaboration, a look into the economy and more.
TO THE POINT kicks off Friday, February 5 with an inside look at protecting the President of the United States. Acting Special Agent Robert Caltabiano joins us from the US Secret Service Office to speak about his experience in leadership, safety in our communities and cultivating the next generation of agents. With a background in managing physical security operations, executive protection and cyber/network intrusions, Special Agent Caltabiano will bring his unique insight to our current business climate.
On March 4, the North Texas Commission welcomes the new Dallas Federal Reserve President Robert Kaplan in a joint event hosted by the Dallas Regional Chamber and Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce.
Registration for both events is open. Additional luncheons will be announced soon. For questions about tickets or sponsorship, please contact Christine Soileau at