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If North Texas Were a State …

As Texans, we grew up automatically reciting the state motto, “Everything is bigger in Texas.” And, with North Texas being one of the fastest growing large regions in the country, we like to bring that statistic home. North Texas, or the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metropolitan Statistical Area, is 12 counties, 150+ cities and approximately 9,000 square miles. What does this mean? Rhode Island could fit inside North Texas 5.8 times. Delaware could fit 3.6 times. We’re bigger than the states of Connecticut (5,543 square miles) and New Jersey (8,721 square miles). New Hampshire at 9,350 square miles and Vermont at 9,614 square miles are our closest rivals. The distance between our two furthest points (Hood County and Delta County) is more than 150 miles. And, it would take Big Tex 1,543 steps to make it. (Not official calculations. Don’t quote us on this.) Read this and other stats about North Texas on our North Texas Profile.

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