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In the Time It Takes to Read This Blog …

What is five minutes to you? The time it takes to pour a cup of coffee and chat with a colleague? A quick skim through the sports section for last night’s highlights? Or, maybe you spend five minutes here or there catching up on social media. Whatever five minutes means to you, it means something very important to the North Texas region. It means a new North Texan. Currently, our population sits at 6.8 million people in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). And, according to population estimates within four year we will add another million people. By 2030, we’re looking at 10 million and looking out to 2050 the projected population of North Texas is 16.7 million people. To give you some context, according to, Mumbai has a current population of 16.9 million people. While this might sound daunting, it’s actually quite exciting given the global economies we compete with now and those we’ll compete against in the future. The leaders of North Texas know this population boom is happening, and we’re planning for the infrastructure to accommodate the additional cars, water needs and housing needs. But let’s not forget about schools and teachers, and ensuring that all the new – and current – North Texans have the best education available and every opportunity to be successful. Have you been counting? 6.8 million and 1 … 6.8 million and 2 …

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