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North Texas Students at the Top of their Class


Where can you find students that are college and career ready? Where will you find students with hands-on training in their chosen careers? In Career and Technical Education, or CTE, programs across North Texas.

CTE programs, which represent more than 79 career pathways from health science to hospitality, have grown tremendously in the last few years, especially with recent changes to education legislature. Students across North Texas and across the country are seeing the benefits to finding their paths earlier and earlier in their education.

Right here in North Texas, many schools offer a large number of the 79 career pathways recognized by the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEC). These students learn trades, get real world skills and even participate in professional groups known as Career Technical Student Organizations, or CTSO’s, such as SkillsUSA, DECA, Business Professionals of America and FFA, where they compete in their field for local, area and even international titles.

Currently more than 12.5 million high school students are enrolled in CTE courses across the nation, creating a generation that’s college and career ready. While many believe these pathways are meant to prepare students for jobs straight out of high school with no thought of secondary education, three out of four students enrolled in CTE programs continue on to college.

To learn more about the great things happening in CTE programs in North Texas, check out the latest issue of NTX Magazine here.

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