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The New NTx Trends

The word “trend” has long been a buzzword used to describe fashion, music and even food. It’s now become a social media term, designating when a topic has gained so much attention that it’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue. So, when the North Texas Commission launched our website redesign with a blog, we couldn’t help to jump on the, well, trend.

With our new blog, we’ve taken the opportunity to refresh our newsletter. Starting this month, our NTx Trends newsletter will arrive in your inbox with the latest news from our members and from around the region. Our goal is for our blog and this newsletter to be a source of news and facts that you can use in your business interactions both in North Texas and abroad.

If you have any suggestions for blog posts or information you think we should share, please don’t be shy. This is your North Texas Commission. Please email me at

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